Friday, July 10, 2009


Butterflies have always been fascinating to me. I love em! I love their quiet beauty. I love that they always put a smile on my face and mostly everyone who sees them smile too. I love that they are free and fleeting. I also love that the butterfly is a representation of our Lord's love! So, when my cousin Tonya (who I refer to as Tilly) started going to a butterfly farm in Harrisonburg, I was all over it! She's invited me a couple of years to come with her and this year was the first that we got to go. It will definitely be on the agenda for many more years to come! The nursery/greenhouse they are housed in is beautiful enough, but then to see hundreds of colorful, graceful butterflies too, ahhh--bliss! As usual, Evan was the butterfly master--they LOVED him! (We dipped our fingers into sugar water so they'd land on us) Evan seemed to have a way (guess cuz he's so sweet) with the lovely creatures and he had them all over him! Ean even had one land on his butt! We all had a good laugh about that one! It was a great time! Shoot, everytime I'm with Tilly and her babies, it's a good time! The butterflies just made it over the top! Foohh Sho!
God is Love--Peace Out

1 comment:

  1. Butterflies are definitely magical, like dragonflies. Your boys are too darn cute, by the way!
