Friday, June 4, 2010


I just read these lyrics:
Seize the summer
In your pride
Take the winter
In your stride
I really love Jim "The Lizard King" Morrison
God is love--Peace Out

It's June...

At the drive-thru of BOA today, I was writing the check for Allen's truck payment. I couldn't remember the date, so I looked towards the window and saw the square, large-print calendar. It said JUNE 4. Do what? Where did June come from?

I literally stared at the ugly little black square that stated it was June. I made it, I thought. Like trees growing in Brooklyn--well, maybe that's not the metaphor I'm wanting/meaning to use. Like a dandelion that grows in the crack on a busy, city sidewalk. I've emerged from another winter, alive and sane! The winter of 2009/2010 was the hardest yet! All the snow, lack of funds and problems with the hubs had me at the the depths of hell.

I've been feeling better. Thank you sun. Thank you God. Thank you June! I quickly wrote out the check, put it in the drawer and spoke to the teller. I then, rested my chin on the steering wheel and breathed in the humid June air. I made it.

God is love--Peace out